Journal Papers

  1. Nandagopal, M., Sen, S., & Rawat, A. (2010). A note on the error function. Computing in Science and Engineering, 12(4), 84–88.
  2. Mohankumar, N., & Rawat, A. (2010). A note on the numerical solution of the Milne problem. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 37(10).
  3. Rawat, A., & Mohankumar, N. (2010). Milne, a routine for the numerical solution of Milne’s problem. Computer Physics Communications, 181(11), 1906–1910.
  4. Rawat, A., & Mohankumar, N. (2011). Benchmark results for the critical slab and sphere problem in one-speed neutron transport theory. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 38(7), 1658–1661.
  5. Mohankumar, N., & Rawat, A. (2013). Some comments on the evaluation of the Chandrasekhar H function. Computer Physics Communications, 184(3), 579–581.

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